David Somoza, Stevens Elementary
The funds will be used to acquire a set of microscopes and the equipment necessary to connect a microscope to a projector.
Grant: $1,977
Susan Tomlinson and Katherine Kindl, Charlton Heights Elementary Library
The funds will be used to purchase 10 wedge-shaped air cushions for students to use on the bench seats in the library. These cushions encourage good posture.
Grant: $317.62 from the Mary Egan Library Endowment
Candy Goudey, Megan Bill, Kristie Robleno, and Tim Sinnenberg, Charlton Heights Elementary
The funds will be used to purchase twelve standing desks at Charlton Heights Elementary School.
“Maintaining student attention during instruction is a challenge. The need to fidget can be addressed in allowing students to stand during instruction and work time.”
Grant: $2,477.08 for twelve standing desks
Marcia Szablewski, BH-BL High School Corporate Sponsor Program
The funds will be used to purchase an iPad for the High School Corporate Sponsors Program.
“The Corporate Sponsors Program has been a School-to- Work program which allows students, among whom are some with special needs, to work in a business setting gaining employable skills. Currently there are ten students in the program with three additional students enrolled next semester. The iPad would be useful to record the students while they are working and be used to go over the video with them back at school to help them understand how their skills and affect can be improved.”
Grant: $567
Sue Cifaratta, O’Rourke Middle School
The funds will be used to purchase a rock tumbler and related materials to be used with the Science Club.
Grant: $214.45 for a rock tumblr, five pounds of rutilated quartz, and five pounds of green tree agate