Marie DiCristofaro and Peter North, O’Rourke Middle School
The funds were used to purchase an Elmo Teacher’s Tool TT-02RX Document Cameras to provide, in part, opportunities in the sixth grade classrooms class rooms to design small laboratory demonstrations for the students.
Grant: $580
Susan Karandy and Cindy King, Pashley Elementary
The funds were used to purchase an iPad to use with students in the CDS class at Pashley.
Grant: $550
Danielle Manning, BH-BL High School FACS Department and Health & Wellness Committee
The funds were used to help start an Iron Chef Contest modeled after the TV reality show, Iron Chef.
Grant: $200
Regina Reals, BH-BL High School Science Department
The funds went towards an Elmo system that would allow experiments that are conducted in a fume hood to be viewed clearly by the whole class. Also, an intended goal for the year is to collaborate with the English Department.
Grant: $580
Chris Lombardi, BH-BL High School Technology Department
The funds were used to purchase an iPad and applications that will allow students, for example, to calculate machine settings, thread diameters, cost calculations, and unit conversion. The Gen-hydro App can be used to calculate the proper nutrient solution for the school’s hydroponic growing system and the BuildCalc app can be used to calculate stair configuration, rafter layout, and cost estimation.
Grant: $648