During the 2016 Taste of Burnt Hills, the 1st Annual Jennie C. Pennington Award was given to Marge Rizzo and Joyce Brown, each longtime educators at the O’Rourke Middle School. They had a vision to encourage middle school students to become active participants in serving the needs of people in their own community. They brought their vision to life by establishing the annual O’Rourke Middle School Community Service Day.
One of the greatest acts of humanity is to provide service to your fellow man. Jennie Pennington considered herself mainly as a “teacher” with over 50 years experience in education. She was an innovator who took great pride in serving her students, colleagues and community with infectious enthusiasm. Her impact on people was profound.
$500 will be given to the Middle School in the name of Marge and Joyce, along with their recommendations on how the money is to be utilized.
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